Jeff Ormsby

Jeff Ormsby

Lexington, Texas

Jeff Ormsby started his career with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, serving as a correctional officer from 1989 to 1992. In 1992, he joined the Federal Bureau of Prisons as a correctional officer at the federal prison in Bastrop, Texas. Ormsby became active in the union in 1994, held the position of chief steward until 1996 and served as president from 1996 to 2017. He was the chief negotiator for his local during his entire term and was on numerous national negotiating teams and work groups for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

After retiring from federal service in 2017, Ormsby became an organizer for AFSCME Texas Correctional Employees, Council 907, in Gatesville. In 2021, he became the executive director for AFSCME TCEC Council 907. He also serves on the executive board of the Texas AFL-CIO. Under Jeff’s leadership, AFSCME TCEC Council 907 has reached the highest membership level in its history and is one of the fastest-growing councils in AFSCME.