Lloyd Permaul

Lloyd Permaul

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Lloyd Permaul is the executive director of AFSCME Council 17, covering Louisiana and Arkansas. He joined our AFSCME family as a field coordinator in the southern region in January 2017, later becoming the area field services director in 2020. In 2023, with Permaul personally testifying before the New Orleans City Council, Council 17 secured the right to collective bargain for New Orleans city workers. 

Permaul hails from New York City, where he began his civil service career in 1990 as a caseworker with the HIV/AIDS Services Administration. In 1996, he joined the Social Service Employees Union Local 371, one of the largest locals in New York City with more than 17,000 members, as a grievance representative. Hewas elected vice president of Grievance and Legal Services in 2008 of that same local, where he improved staff morale, development and mediation, coordinated campaign work and fostered many business relationships. 

Using his exceptional combination of training and education in labor law and arbitration, as well as his extensive knowledge of organizing, union administration and the labor movement, Permaul continues to foster a work environment that benefits staff and the membership.

He was elected as an International Vice President of the Southeastern Legislative District in 2024.