Veronica L. Gunn

Veronica L. Gunn

Vernon, California

Veronica Gunn has been an AFSCME member since 2007. She was named recording secretary for AFSCME Local 3634 METRO Supervisors in 2015. Gunn was later elected vice president (2019) and recording secretary (2021) of the District Council 36 Executive Board. With her positive attitude, willingness to partner and unstinting energy, she is a successful advocate for workers’ rights, better working conditions and wages, greater member inclusion and robust communication.

Gunn is a proud graduate of the AFSCME Women's Leadership Academy’s 2016 cohort, crediting the program with her success. She is the 2024 recipient of the “Women in Action” award from the National Action Network, Los Angeles Chapter. She has a bachelor of science degree in business management, a master’s degree in business administration, and a certificate in labor studies.